Inspiring and Instructing

Youth activities are led by our parents and are designed to inspire and instruct teens for daily Christian living, including:
- Weekly group Bible studies-Sundays @ 9am and Wednesdays @ 7pm
- Youth-led Devotionals
- In-home Devotionals
- Summer camp
- Retreats
- Local service projects
- SYS (Summer Youth Series)
- T3 Youth Conference
- LTC (Leadership Training for Christ)
Various fun activities are included to offer opportunities for teens to invite their friends. These activities include:
- Youth room hang-out times
-Seasonal parties
-Painting and making crafts - Group outings to sporting and entertainment events in the DFW Metroplex area
- Online video gaming
- Seasonal after-school events and activities
Our Youth Ministry Goals
We want our teens to be...
Pursuing a DEEPER relationship with God
Christianity is about a relationship with God through Jesus Christ as the Spirit moves us closer to Him. We encourage our teens to focus their time and energy on getting to know who God is and understanding how God sees them because of His great love for them. It is not about rules; it is about the relationship.
Jesus’ life was about others. He lived to serve others. He died to save others. He rose to set others free from the chains of death. Everything He did was for other people. We want our teens to understand this and as Jesus said, to find life by losing theirs for the sake of others. We want our teens to BE ON FIRE to reach the lost for the sake of Christ.
COMMITTED to Ministry & Service
We want our teens to be active members of the Lord’s body. We want them to be trained to see the needs of those around them and to know how to respond and help. We want them to be servant leaders in the Jesus’ church because that is what he was.
More INTEGRATED into the church body
Often when a teen graduates from high school they have some difficulty in transitioning into the next stage of their lives, particularly in relating to the church. For many teens the “Youth Group” is all they know of church. When they do not have that any longer there is a strong sense of displacement. In an effort to help these graduating teens adjust we want to connect them with as many mature Christian adults as possible, and to encourage teens to interact more with their families, and other members of the congregation so that the “Youth Group” will not be their only experience of “church.”
Today’s world is extremely busy, and it is difficult for families to have time to spend together. But it is imperative that they do. We want to encourage positive interaction between teens and their parents and for families to grow closer in their relationships with each other as they grow closer in their relationships with God.