All of the music we offer to God in our public worship assemblies is “a cappella” or vocal without instrumental accompaniment (Ephesians 5:19).
Each week, we remember the death of Jesus Christ for the sins of all humanity. This is done by observing the “Lord Supper” which He Himself instituted on the night before His crucifixion. The unleavened bread reminds us of His physical body, which was sacrificed for us, and the “fruit of the vine” (grape juice) reminds us of His blood, which was shed for our sins. We pass trays of bread and individual cups of juice down each aisle. You are welcome to participate with us (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).
Each first day of the week, we take up an offering from members of this congregation. The funds are used to finance the many physical needs and activities of the church. Our visitors should feel no obligation to contribute (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).
At the close of our sermon, an “invitation” is offered as an opportunity for anyone who wants to be baptized by immersion into Christ and the Lord’s church; needs the prayers of the congregation; or wishes to be identified with this congregation and work under the leadership of the shepherds here.
An unattended nursery is available for mothers and babies through the foyer and to the left. An attended nursery for birth to two years is through the foyer and to the right; first door on the right.
Children’s Worship
During the message, we have “His Kids” for ages two through kindergarten. They will be excused by the song leader after the collection.